The Social Impact Storyboard™ and the iSIS™ Toolkit

The Social Impact Storyboard (SIS) is a BSA innovation to communicate efficiently in digital audio visual media the social impact of a social enterprise. Using iSIS, we support social enterprises in their governance, their project planning, and their communications policy and practice.

The development of Social Impact Storyboard methodology is summarised in an essay here:  iSIS-01.pdf

For a snapshot of the results of Social Impact Storyboarding, please see Part One of Different Strokes’ Social Impact Storyboard (below).

In 2010, interested members of Different Strokes South of the Tyne signed up to tell their stories as examples of the social impact of their organisation.

Quick Link to Vimeo ➙

Different Strokes

Social Impact Storyboard

- Part One

A film by Matthew Burge

and Melanie Todd, 2010

Thanks to the members of

Different Strokes,

South of the Tyne,

and The Calvert Trust

Burge Surtees Associates Limited  =  Planning + Design + Social Impact

Multi-media production for stories of social impact in digital media online


Get the Simple... Prospectus 2009 - 2010  -  Click to complete a helpful short survey

Melanie Wilson of Different Strokes playing the piano for the first time since her stroke of six years beforehand